Stuff to bring to Ireland 5 essentials you need to pack

January 20, 2020

It would serve as a guide to, you know, help you pack and know what stuff to bring to Ireland in the 30kg luggage limit that you would generally have.

Number 1: Numero uno European Adapter

Make sure to carry with yourself a European adapter or at least converting adapter to make sure that you can charge your phones and other important electronic devices at least for the first week that you’re here in Ireland. You can later buy the whole converting extension set but just until then make sure you have at least one converting adapter for your electronic appliances.

Number 2: Medicines!

we cannot stress enough how important it is to bring your basic set of medicines to Ireland. Irish medical system can be a bit complicated and expensive as well. So what we would suggest is to get a basic set of medicines for fever, stomach ache. Antibiotics that could help you with that. Consult your doctor and make sure to get a basic set of antibiotics that could help you to fight fever, stomach ache or you know just simple things like that because it can be really hard to get antibiotics for those very simple things and expensive as well. Just make sure that if you are going to bring a set of medicines to always keep the prescription, you know, doctor’s prescription with the medicines because they often check the luggage and if they find any unaccounted for medicines the customs could actually take it away. So be careful of that.

Number 3: Eyeglasses

know a lot of you guys are wearing eyeglasses or maybe even contact lens It is very important to get a spare set because getting eye glasses here. Ah well, let’s just say it’s not so spec-saving! You will get this pun when you come to Ireland or if you’re already in Ireland. So make sure to keep a spare case of spectacles if you’re using them or if you’re planning to use like, you know, those anti glare ones. Make sure to keep them. Don’t wait to come here and get specs. It can be quite expensive. Also make sure to keep your contact lenses as well. The yearly supply, however it goes.

Number 4: Skincare

If you’re someone like me with really sensitive skin. Believe me, you would really want to bring in your established skincare regime to Ireland. There are amazing options for makeup but skincare brands are definitely limited in Ireland so make sure that if you are following, you know, a set procedure for your skin maybe have some specific face wash, moisturizers that actually work for your skin Do bring them in.

Number 5: Technology

Now, I know that some of you might feel that you really want to buy, you know, your phones or laptops here but the shops that give you really good deals with; like a pen drive or memory card or a bag with the laptop that you buy or, you know, a phone case with the phone that you buy. You’re not going to get all of that kind of stuff in here if you’re buying technology okay. So I would suggest buying technology from your country and then coming here because there is a general lack of variety as well and it is hard to find the smaller stuff at a cheaper price. For example, the pen drive or just you know phone case phone cover, etc. Make sure to buy the technology, get all the accessories with them and bring them to Ireland just to save money and well, get the best variety that you can.
So that’s my list of 5 things you need to bring to Ireland if you are coming here for the first time know there are so many things that you can bring within your 30 kg luggage limit and of course it varies from person to person. But we hope that this list gives you a heads up to what you absolutely must consider bringing if you’re coming to Ireland for the first time. Now if you want to know what not to bring to Ireland.

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